Web Colors
On this page:
Primary Colors
R0 G85 B162
R229 G168 B35
R147 G149 B151
Secondary Colors
Light Gray
R210 G210 B210
Dark Gray
R102 G102 B102
Roll-over Blue
R28 G136 B244
Blue #0055A2, Grey #939597, Gold #E5A823
The gradient may be used as a background or as an overlay over black and white photos. The gradient symbolizes Transformation and is used in 菠菜网lol正规平台’s "Transformation" campaign.
Web Accessible Color Combinations
Across all digital platforms, including on websites, blogs and social media, be mindful of color contrast. Users with vision challenges or limitations may have a difficult time differentiating between colors.
White text on a blue background
Blue text on a white background
Gray #666666 or darker text on a white background
Blue text on a gray #D2D2D2 or lighter background
Black text on a gray #D2D2D2 or lighter background
White text on a gray #666666 or darker background
Not Accessible
White text on a yellow background
Blue text on a yellow background
Yellow text on a blue background
Yellow text on a white background
Gray #939597 text on a white background
Gray #D2D2D2 text on a white background
Black text on a gray #939597 background
Black text on a gray #666666 background
Blue text on a gray #939597 background
Blue text on a gray #666666 background
Using all official colors, including yellow and gray, as foreground or background colors in graphic elements on the web is acceptable.
Accessibility Isn't Just the Law
Color contrast is one of many considerations when creating web applications and content that everyone can use, including people with disabilities who may use assistive technologies to access your website. It is the right thing to do, the smart thing to do, and it is the law.
To check text for proper contrast, visit WebAIM's color contrast checker. To find colors that meet the WCAG Guidelines in text/background contrast ratios visit Color Safe.
For more information regarding ADA compliance and legibility guidelines, visit Accessibility at 菠菜网lol正规平台 website.